기본 편집 ctrl+X 행 삭제 (빈 선택) editor.action.clipboardCutAction ctrl+C 행 복사 (빈 선택) editor.action.clipboardCopyAction ctrl+shift+k 행 삭제 editor.action.deleteLines ctrl+Enter 아래에 행 삽입 editor.action.insertLineAfter ctrl+shift+Enter 위에 행 삽입 editor.action.insertLineBefore alt+Down 행을 아래로 이동 editor.action.moveLinesDownAction alt+Up 행을 위로 이동 editor.action.moveLinesUpAction shift+alt+Down 위에 행 복사 추가 editor.act..
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LeafPic (Github | Play Store | Difficulty: Beginner) Photo and video gallery apps are one of the most common apps that you can find on any Android device. Ever wondered how they are made? LeafPic is one of the best open-source gallery app you can try and learn from. It is quite simple, easy to understand and is perfectly suitable for any beginner developer. One of the best things I have found in..